Full CV

Research Interests

Galaxy Evolution Morphological evolution and the emergence of the Hubble sequence ■ Low-surface-brightenss and ultra-diffuse galaxies ■ The role of galaxy mergers and AGN

Simulations Cosmological simulations of galaxy evolution ■ Post-processing and mock observations ■ Theoretical predictions for future instruments

Big Data Large surveys ■ Machine learning techniques ■ Data-mining

Positions Held

Postdoctoral Fellow University of Nottingham ■ 2023 - present

KASI-Arizona Postdoctoral Fellow for Advanced Study in Astronomy and Astrophysics Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute / University of Arizona ■ 2019 - 2023

Balzan Fellow New College, University of Oxford ■ May 2019 - August 2019


PhD in Astrophyiscs University of Hertfordshire ■ 2015 - 2019 ■ Thesis: On the key processes that drive galaxy evolution ■ Supervisor: Sugata Kaviraj

Summer student University of Hertfordshire ■ April 2015 - July 2015 ■ Thesis: A spectro-photometric approach for decoding the resolved star formation histories of galaxies ■ Supervisor: Marc Sarzi

MPhys in Astrophysics University of Hertfordshire ■ First Class Hons. ■ Patrick Moore Prize for best performance in cohort ■ 2011 - 2015 ■ Thesis: Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Astronomy and Astrophysics ■ Supervisor: Tim Gledhill

Selected Publications

Full Publication List

The formation and evolution of low-surface-brightness galaxies, Martin G., Kaviraj S., Laigle C., Devriendt J. E. G., Dubois Y., Pichon C., 2019, MNRAS, 485, 796

Normal black holes in bulge-less galaxies: the largely quiescent, merger-free growth of black holes over cosmic time, Martin G., Kaviraj S., Volonteri M., Simmons B. D., Devriendt J. E. G., Lintott C. J., Smethurst R. J., Dubois Y., Pichon C., 2018, MNRAS, 476, 2810

The limited role of galaxy mergers in driving stellar mass growth over cosmic time, Martin G., Kaviraj S., Devriendt J. E. G, Dubois Y., Laigle C., Pichon C., 2017, MNRAS, 472, L50

Selected Talks

Astronomy Group Seminar St Andrews, UK, February 2019 ■ Invited seminar

New frontiers in Galaxy Evolution Modelling London, UK, October 2017 ■ Invited talk

Galaxy Evolution Seminar Oxford, UK, June 2017 ■ Invited seminar

Galaxy-black-hole Co-evolution: Observational and Theoretical Perspectives National Astronomy Meeting, ■ Lancaster, UK, July 2019 ■ SOC


Teaching assistant Programming (Python & Matlab) ■ November 2016 - March 2018

Observatory Demonstrator Physics of Stars ■ November 2016 - March 2017

Observatory Demonstrator Cosmology and Large Scale Structure ■ November 2015 - March 2017

Chair Weekly arXiv astroPh paper discussion ■ January 2016 - June 2018